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  • How to cure procrastination

    As a C-level executive, CEO or HR professional, you are always looking for ways to optimize productivity and achieve business success. One of the biggest obstacles to achieving these goals is procrastination. We've all been there, putting off important tasks until the last minute and feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of deadlines. But recent neuroscience research offers some fascinating insights into how our brains work and how we can overcome this destructive habit. First and foremost, it's important to understand that procrastination is not a character flaw or a sign of laziness. Rather, it's a complex phenomenon that involves a combination of psychological, emotional, and neurological factors. When we procrastinate, our brains are essentially engaged in a battle between the rational prefrontal cortex and the emotional limbic system. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for planning, decision-making, and self-control, while the limbic system is associated with our emotions and our impulse to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Recent studies have shown that chronic procrastinators have a larger amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for processing emotions, and a smaller prefrontal cortex, which affects our ability to plan and control our behavior. This means that procrastination is not simply a matter of willpower or motivation, but rather a structural and functional issue in the brain. So, how can we overcome procrastination and optimize our productivity? Here are some strategies based on the latest neuroscience research: 1.Break tasks down into smaller chunks The prefrontal cortex is better able to handle smaller, more manageable tasks. When we break larger tasks down into smaller chunks, it's easier for us to focus and make progress. 2. Use positive self-talk Negative self-talk activates the amygdala and increases stress, making it harder for us to concentrate and work efficiently. Using positive self-talk, on the other hand, can help calm the amygdala and reduce stress. 3. Reward yourself When we complete a task, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. By rewarding ourselves for completing tasks, we can reinforce this positive feedback loop and make it easier to stay motivated. 4. Practice mindfulness Mindfulness meditation has been shown to increase activity in the prefrontal cortex and reduce activity in the amygdala, making it easier to focus and avoid distractions. 5. Eliminate distractions Distractions activate the limbic system and make it harder for us to stay focused. By eliminating distractions, such as turning off notifications on our phones or closing unnecessary tabs on our computers, we can create an environment that is more conducive to productivity. Overcoming procrastination is not only a matter of willpower or motivation. It's a complex issue that involves our emotions, our brain structure, and our environment. By implementing the strategies outlined above, we can optimize our productivity and achieve our business goals. At Brighter Leaders we work with transformative coaching using the findings of recent neuroscience we help our clients make changes in their leadership and lives that stand over time so that they don’t fall back into old habits. I encourage you to share this post with your colleagues and implement these strategies in your workplace. By creating a culture of productivity and mindfulness, you can all achieve greater success and satisfaction in your work and private lives. Our passion is to help leaders develop and become their best version. For this purpose we are offering a few free time slots of 15 minutes for an exploratory call were you can get a sample of our transformative coaching. Think of an area in your leadership or life that you wish to improve and bring it to this call. You can choose a time slot here.

  • 5 Leadership mistakes you wish to avoid

    As a leader you may feel a sense of pressure to establish your leadership. Leadership is a skill that requires continuous development, and mistakes are bound to happen along the way. Below are some common leadership mistakes we see in our line of business. Maybe rising your level of awareness can help you avoid them or rectify them faster. 1. Micromanaging: a common mistake that leaders make, especially when they are new to their role or under pressure or stress. Micromanaging can be detrimental to your team's morale and can make them feel like you don't trust them. From a neuroscience perspective, micromanaging can cause your team to feel stressed, which can lead to a decrease in productivity and creativity. Instead of micromanaging, try delegating tasks to your team and giving them the autonomy to complete them in their own way even with the possibility of them making some mistakes. Mistakes are not necessary bad, they teach us what needs to be done differently. 2. Low levels of empathy: Being a leader means understanding the needs and concerns of your team members. Low levels of empathy can cause your team members to feel like they are not being heard or valued, leading to low engagement and retention rates. From a neuroscience perspective, empathy is essential for building strong relationships with your team members. When we show empathy, we activate the same parts of the brain that are responsible for emotional regulation and social bonding. To avoid this mistake, try to put yourself in your team member's shoes and listen actively to their concerns. 3. Not giving feedback or giving feedback of poor quality: Feedback is essential for growth and development, but many leaders avoid giving feedback, don’t take the time because they don’t prioritize it enough or don’t know how to give feedback of good quality, especially when it's negative. Not giving the necessary feedback or giving bad quality feedback can hinder team members' growth and development. From a neuroscience perspective, feedback helps activate the reward centers of the brain, which can motivate your team members to improve. To avoid this mistake, try to give constructive feedback regularly and focus on specific behaviors that need improvement, rather than criticizing your team members. 4. Difficulty adapting to change: The world is constantly changing, and leaders who fail to adapt risk becoming irrelevant. Clinging to traditional methods, can lead to outdated practices and missed opportunities for innovation. Our brains are wired to resist change, which can make it difficult to adapt. To avoid this mistake, try to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in your field, and be open to new ideas and approaches. 5. Low levels of self-awareness: Leaders who have low levels of self-awareness may not realize how their behavior is affecting their team members. Not being aware of your strengths and weaknesses, can cause you to make decisions that negatively impact your team members and the organization as a whole. From a neuroscience perspective, self-awareness is important for emotional regulation and decision-making. To avoid this mistake, try to get feedback from your team members, and be open to constructive feedback. Also, take the time to reflect on your behavior and how it impacts those around you. It's important to note that these mistakes can happen at any age. Even though leadership mistakes are inevitable, by being aware of them, you can work to avoid them or reduce their negative feedback. These mistakes can have a greater impact on your leadership journey, making it crucial to be aware of them and work on overcoming them. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can build stronger relationships with your team members, promote productivity and creativity, and ultimately become more effective leaders. And even if mistakes are at your door get curious about what learnings you can get out of your mistakes. Take the time to reflect on your leadership style and think about whether you are making any of these common mistakes. Identify one or two areas that you can work on improving, and make a plan to implement changes. Remember that leadership is a skill that requires continuous development, and by being aware of your mistakes, you can become a better leader. If you would like to assess your leadership you may try our Leadership Assessments. They have provided guidance to many leaders facing different challenges. Here’s what some leaders have said: "Thanks for a rewarding meeting with you! I feel strengthened with the help of reflection that results in wise insights. " Vice CEO "New to focus on emotion instead of output. To focus on what I want." Quality manager "Now I have a concrete action plan to move forward with. " Team leader

  • What to to when your brain is an ”excuses” machine

    Leadership is also about being aware of your own limitations and biases, and taking steps to overcome them. One common challenge that many leaders face is the tendency to make excuses when things don't go as planned. Fortunately, recent neuroscience findings have shed light on why our brains are wired to make excuses, and what we can do to overcome this tendency. The human brain is wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is known as the pleasure-pain principle, and it is deeply ingrained in our biology. When we encounter a difficult or uncomfortable situation, our brains will automatically search for excuses to avoid it. This can lead to a cycle of procrastination and avoidance that can hinder our productivity and effectiveness as leaders. So, what can we do to overcome this tendency? One effective strategy is to reframe the situation in a more positive light. For example, instead of viewing a challenging task as something to be avoided, try to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. By reframing the situation in a positive way, you can shift your mindset and become more motivated to take action. Another effective strategy is to break the task down into smaller, more manageable steps. Our brains are wired to respond to small wins and rewards, so by breaking a big task into smaller steps, you can create a sense of progress and accomplishment that will help to motivate you to keep going. Finally, it's important to cultivate a growth mindset. This means embracing the idea that we can always learn and grow, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. By adopting a growth mindset, we can overcome the tendency to make excuses and instead focus on finding solutions and making progress. As a leader, it's important to be aware of your own tendencies to make excuses and to take steps to overcome them. By reframing the situation in a positive light, breaking the task down into smaller steps, and cultivating a growth mindset, you can overcome your brain's natural tendency to make excuses and become a more effective leader. So, I challenge you to take action today. Identify a task or project that you've been avoiding, and use these strategies to overcome your excuses and take action. By doing so, you'll not only become a better leader, but you'll also be setting an example for those around you, inspiring them to do the same. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so take that first step today and start making progress towards your goals. We help thousands of leaders break old patterns and create new ones that serve them better. Get in touch with us and let us know which patterns you are finally ready to break free from and we will guide you to a higher version of yourself.

  • Activate Your brain’s genius

    Leadership is also about unlocking your team's potential and unleashing their creativity. In order to do this, you need to activate the brain's genius. The human brain is capable of remarkable feats of creativity and problem-solving, but it takes effort and intentionality to unlock that potential. To further understand how this works, it's helpful to look at some of the neuroscience behind creativity and problem-solving. The brain is a complex and dynamic organ that is constantly changing and adapting. Here are a few aspects of neuroscience that can help you understand how to activate your brain's genius: Neuroplasticity: this is brain's ability to change and adapt independently of age, past experiences, failures or accomplishments. When you learn new things, form new habits, or think in new ways, your brain physically changes. This means that with intentional effort, you can train your brain to think more creatively and solve problems more effectively. Dopamine: is a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. When you experience a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction, your brain releases dopamine, which can reinforce that behavior and encourage you to continue. This is why setting achievable goals and celebrating small successes can be a powerful motivator. Default mode network: is a network of brain regions that is active when your mind is at rest, such as during daydreaming or mind-wandering. This network is also associated with creative thinking, as it allows your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas. Prefrontal cortex: is the part of the brain that is responsible for executive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. When you are faced with a problem, the prefrontal cortex helps you analyze the situation, come up with potential solutions, and evaluate their outcomes. By understanding how the brain works, you can use this knowledge to activate your brain's genius. For example, you can intentionally train your brain by practicing creativity exercises or problem-solving challenges. You can also set achievable goals and celebrate small successes to boost dopamine levels and reinforce positive behaviors. Finally, you can give your brain time to rest and allow your default mode network to make connections and come up with new ideas. By incorporating these neuroscience-based practices into your leadership style, you can unlock your team's full creative potential. Let us share some practical examples of how to activate your brain's genius for leaders who want to unleash their team's full potential. Embrace a growth mindset Leaders who believe in their own potential for growth and development are more likely to inspire their team members to do the same. Embrace a growth mindset by focusing on the possibilities rather than the limitations of a situation. Encourage your team members to do the same, and you'll see their creative potential blossom. Encourage diverse thinking When people with different backgrounds and experiences come together, the possibilities for creative solutions are endless. Encourage your team members to bring their unique perspectives to the table and actively seek out diverse opinions when making decisions. Foster a culture of experimentation Don't be afraid to try new things and fail fast. When leaders embrace a culture of experimentation, it gives their team members permission to do the same. Encourage your team members to take calculated risks and explore new ideas, even if they don't always work out. Create a supportive environment People are more likely to take risks and be creative when they feel supported and safe. As a leader, create a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and taking risks. Lead by example If you want your team to activate their brain's genius, you must lead by example. Model the behaviors you want to see in your team members. Embrace a growth mindset, encourage diverse thinking, experiment, and create a supportive environment. As a leader, you have the power to unlock your team's potential and unleash their creativity. To activate your brain's genius, embrace a growth mindset, encourage diverse thinking, foster a culture of experimentation, create a supportive environment, and lead by example. Start today by incorporating one or two of these practices into your leadership style and watch as your team's creativity and problem-solving skills soar. At Brighter Leaders we are passionate to help leaders develop and explore more of their potential and that of their teams. Get in touch with us today while we still have a few time slots to offer and book a free exploratory call that can be the key to activate your brain’s genius.

  • Are the Results you are expecting Aligned with the Habits you are following each day?

    We all want to achieve great results and reach our goals. However, many of us struggle to consistently achieve the results we desire. One reason for this may be that your daily habits are not aligned with the outcomes you hope to achieve. Firstly, it's important to understand that our brains are wired to form habits. Habits are automatic patterns of behavior that are formed through repeated actions. Once a habit is formed, our brains are trained to execute it with minimal conscious effort. This is beneficial for conserving mental energy, but can also be problematic when your habits are not aligned with your desired outcomes. By aligning your habits with your business and personal goals, you can create a powerful synergy between your brain and your behavior, making it more likely that you'll achieve the results you desire. As a leader, it's essential to regularly evaluate whether the results you are expecting are aligned with the habits you follow each day. The brain is a remarkable organ that is constantly adapting to our environment and experiences. When we engage in a behavior repeatedly, we create neural pathways that make it easier to perform that behavior again in the future. As mentioned the implication of this is that our habits are wired into our brain, making them automatic and effortless. Do you recognize this in your leadership or personal life? If your habits are aligned with the results you want to achieve, your brain is more likely to support your efforts and make them easier to accomplish. On the other hand, if your habits are not in alignment with your goals, your brain may be working against you, making it more challenging to achieve the desired outcomes. Therefore, it's crucial to assess your daily habits and routines to ensure that they align with your business and personal goals. Let us share some concrete tips How to achieve high levels of productivity: develop habits that support focus and concentration, such as setting clear priorities, minimizing distractions, and taking regular breaks to recharge. How to build strong relationships with your customers: cultivate habits that promote empathy, active listening, and effective communication. How to increase your sales revenue: establish a habit of reaching out to a certain number of potential clients each day, or regularly attending networking events. How to improve your team's productivity: establish a habit of holding weekly meetings to set priorities and goals, or encouraging breaks and rest to prevent burnout. On the personal sphere… How to improve your physical fitness: develop habits around regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. Neuroscience has shown us that your habits are formed through a process called neuro-plasticity. This refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences. When you repeatedly engage in a behavior, your brain creates neural pathways that make it easier to execute that behavior in the future. The more you repeat the behavior, the stronger the neural pathway becomes, making the behavior more automatic and effort-less (that is less effort not without effort). This means that if you want to develop new habits that support your desired outcomes, you need to consciously and consistently repeat those behaviors until they become automatic. You can do this by breaking down your goals into specific, measurable actions that you can repeat daily and by celebrating your wins! Celebrating your wins is also crucial in this process. The happier you are about something the more you will want to do it. At a neuro-chemical level your brain will release dopamin helping you keep the consistency in the new habit. Many of our clients have tried to do this on their own. Those who succeed tell us that it took longer and they wished they had come in touch with us earlier to save time, energy and effort. Some are very happy to have us as a sounding board helping them in the process of creating new leadership habits that positively affect their careers and personal life. If you want to achieve the results you desire in our business, team and personal development, and if you are 100% committed to make a change in your life we’d be happy to assist you assess your situation, your needs and see if our services might be a good fit for you. We therefor offer you a short free consultation with us. Click on this link to book a discovery call. With our experience and understanding of the most resent neuroscience research of habit formation, we can help you develop new habits that support your desired outcomes and create a path towards success and reaching your full potential. Remember, it's not just about setting big goals, it's about establishing daily habits that will help you achieve them. You may book your call here. Practical Exercise Take a moment to reflect on the results you are currently expecting in your business. Are your daily habits aligned with those outcomes? If not, what new habits can you establish that will support your goals? Once you've identified the habits that will support your desired outcomes, commit to repeating those behaviors daily. Keep in mind that developing new habits takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. With consistent practice, you can create new neural pathways in your brain that support your desired outcomes and ultimately lead to greater success. Be an action taker and book your assessment call now.

  • Making Good Business Decisions When Things Don't Go as Planned

    Running a business can be a thrilling experience, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. There may be times when things don’t go as planned, and you’re left to figure out what to do next. It’s in these moments that having a sound decision-making process can make all the difference. Recent advancements in neuroscience have shed light on the decision-making process and how the brain processes information during challenging situations. Here are some findings that can help us make better business decisions: Emotions can impact decision-making Studies have shown that emotions can play a significant role in our decision-making process. When faced with stress or uncertainty, our emotions can overwhelm our rational thinking and lead to impulsive decision-making. Therefore, it’s crucial to manage our emotions and maintain a clear and objective mindset when making business decisions. The role of the amygdala The amygdala is a small almond-shaped structure in the brain that plays a crucial role in our emotional processing. It is activated when we encounter a stressful or uncertain situation, causing us to respond with a fight, freeze or flight response. In business, this can lead to impulsive decision-making and missed opportunities. By managing our emotional responses, we can avoid letting our amygdala take control and make more rational decisions. The importance of mindfulness Mindfulness has been shown to have a positive impact on our decision-making process. By being mindful, we can increase our focus and clarity, allowing us to approach situations objectively and make more informed decisions. Practicing mindfulness can help us manage our emotions and improve our ability to make good business decisions, even when things don’t go as planned. Try out this tip for making good business decisions, even when things don’t go according to plan: Stay calm and objective When faced with a difficult situation, it’s essential to stay calm and avoid making impulsive decisions. Take a step back and take a deep breath. It’s essential to keep your emotions in check and approach the situation objectively. Gather information The next step is to gather all the relevant information about the situation. This will help you to understand the situation better and make informed decisions. Seek advice from experts, consult data and analyze trends to determine the best course of action. Evaluate the options Once you have all the information you need, it’s time to evaluate your options. Consider the pros and cons of each option and weigh the risks and benefits. Make sure to consider the long-term impact of each decision and weigh them against your business goals and values. Make a decision After evaluating all the options, it’s time to make a decision. Trust your instincts, but also make sure that you’ve considered all the factors involved. Be confident in your decision and be prepared to take action. Learn from the experience Finally, it’s crucial to learn from the experience, whether the outcome was positive or negative. Reflect on what went well and what could have been done differently. Use this information to improve your decision-making process for the future. By understanding neuroscience findings, we can improve our ability to make good business decisions, even when things don’t go according to plan. By managing our emotions, practicing mindfulness, and approaching situations objectively, we can navigate through challenging situations and make decisions that will benefit our business in the long-term. At Brighter Leaders we help leaders develop both the inner and the outer game. Book a call free of charge with an executive coach that can pose you the questions that you need to hear but might not necessarily dare to ask yourself. You'll be surprised at the impact this can have in your life and career. Don't procrastinate but take action by getting in touch with us and become the best leader you can be both in and outside your plans.

  • Becoming a Better Leader: Balancing Your Personal and Professional Life

    Leadership is a skill that is developed through experience, dedication, and a constant effort to improve. However, as leaders, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of running a team or an organization and lose sight of what is really important in life. To become a better leader, it's crucial to strike a balance between personal and professional life, so that you can remain focused, motivated, and effective. 1. Set clear priorities: When your personal and professional life are in harmony, you'll be able to make better decisions and feel more fulfilled. To achieve this balance, you must start by setting clear priorities for both areas of your life. Write down what is important to you and then allocate time and energy to those areas. 2. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. Dedicate time each day to engaging in activities that bring you joy, recharge your batteries, and help you stay focused. Examples include exercise, meditation, reading, or simply taking a walk. 3. Connect with loved ones: Having strong relationships with family and friends can provide a much-needed escape from work and provide a source of emotional support. Set aside time each week to connect with loved ones and let them know they are a priority. 4. Set boundaries: To prevent burnout, it is essential to set boundaries between work and personal time. Turn off your phone or email notifications after work hours, and don't check work emails on weekends. 5. Lead by example: Your actions speak louder than words. If you are serious about balancing your personal and professional life, then lead by example. Encourage your team members to also prioritize their personal lives, and promote a work-life balance culture within your organization. Becoming a better leader requires a combination of hard work, continuous learning, and self-awareness. By balancing your personal and professional life, you can improve your leadership skills and stay motivated, focused, and effective in your role. Remember to take care of yourself, connect with loved ones, set boundaries, and lead by example, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a better leader without losing sight of what is really important in life. Take action now by booking a call free of charge with an executive coach that can pose you the questions that you need to hear but might not necessarily dare to ask yourself. You'll be surprised at how small changes can make a big impact in your life and career. Don't wait until it's too late, get in touch with us and become the best leader you can be.

  • How much do you invest in your team’s communication?

    Effective communication is essential for the smooth functioning of any organization. It ensures that information is accurately and efficiently conveyed, allowing for better decision making, improved productivity, and increased job satisfaction. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and ultimately, decreased productivity. For example, if an employee does not understand an undertaking they have accepted, they may complete it incorrectly, wasting time and resources. Miscommunication can also cause delays in projects and even lead to the loss of clients. Effective communication can take many forms, such as face-to-face conversations, emails, phone calls, and team meetings. It is important for organizations to establish clear and transparent communication to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Poor communication can lead to a range of negative effects on teams and organizations. For example, lack of clear instructions or unclear expectations can lead to confusion and wasted time, as team members may complete projects incorrectly or inefficiently. Miscommunication can also result in delays and missed deadlines, causing disappointment and frustration among team members. In addition, communication challenges not addressed can lead to conflicts and mistrust among team members, ultimately damaging morale and productivity. On the other hand, good communication can have many positive effects on teams and organizations. For example, clear and consistent communication can help to ensure that everyone in the team is rowing in the same direction, leading to better decision making and increased productivity. Good communication can also foster a positive work environment and increase job satisfaction among team members. One example of good communication in an organization is Google's "20% time" policy. This policy allows employees to spend 20% of their work time on projects that interest them, outside of their regular responsibilities. This not only allows for increased creativity and innovation, but also ensures that employees are effectively communicating their ideas and progress with their team members and managers. Another example is Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer known for its excellent customer service. The company places a strong emphasis on clear and effective communication with customers, which has helped to establish its reputation as a reliable and trustworthy business. This clear communication strategy helps to foster customer loyalty and satisfaction, ultimately leading to business success. Good communication is critical for the success of any organization, this is old news. By establishing clear and transparent communication and encouraging open and honest dialogue, organizations can improve productivity, foster a positive work environment and ultimately achieve their goals. Nothing new either, however we meet many leaders and teams with a variety of challenges and potential to improve their communication and efficiency. If you want to learn more about how to improve communication in your organization or team and achieve your business goals, consider booking a call with us today. We can provide you with the tools and strategies you need to build a more effective and productive team. Don't wait, take the first step towards improving communication in your organization by booking a call now.

  • What’s the Importance of Vulnerability in Business?

    Vulnerability is a word that is often associated with weakness in the business world. It brings to mind feelings of insecurity and exposure. But is vulnerability truly a weakness in the business world, or is it something that can actually make us stronger? Vulnerability is the state of being open and exposed to potential harm or damage. It is the willingness to let others see our true selves, including our flaws and weaknesses. In the cut-throat business world, where competition is fierce and the pressure to succeed is high, vulnerability can seem like a liability. However, recent research suggests that vulnerability can actually be a source of strength in the business world. Vulnerability allows leaders to connect with their employees on a deeper level. It helps to build trust and intimacy in the workplace, fostering a more positive and productive work environment. When leaders are willing to be vulnerable and share their own weaknesses and challenges, it helps to break down the hierarchy and create a sense of equality among the team. This can lead to greater employee engagement and motivation. Vulnerability also allows for more authentic and genuine communication in the workplace. When leaders are willing to be vulnerable, they are more likely to speak their truth, share their authentic selves, and be true to their values and beliefs. This can be empowering for employees, as it creates a sense of transparency and trust within the organization. Furthermore, vulnerability allows leaders to face their fears and to grow. When leaders are willing to be vulnerable, they are more likely to take risks and to step outside of their comfort zones. This can be uncomfortable and scary, but it can also lead to personal and professional growth and development. Many would agree that vulnerability rather than being a weakness in the business world, is a strength that allows leaders to connect with their employees, to be authentic and genuine, and to grow as individuals and as leaders. It allows leaders to be fully human and to experience richness and depth even in the world of business. So maybe next time you feel vulnerable as a business leader, you might try to see it as an opportunity for growth and connection, rather than a weakness. You can try the following exercise that can help you and your team practice vulnerability. It is called ”Vulnerability Share-Out." Here's how it works: Set aside a dedicated time for the exercise, such as a team meeting or training session. Explain the purpose of the exercise and the importance of vulnerability in the workplace. Start by sharing something personal and vulnerable about yourself. This could be a recent failure, a personal challenge, or something you are struggling with. Encourage the rest of the team to be open and honest in their sharing. After you have shared, go around the room and have each team member share something personal and vulnerable in turn. Encourage team members to listen actively and with empathy to their colleagues’ stories. Once everyone has shared, debrief the exercise as a group. Talk about the experiences of sharing and receiving vulnerability, and the impact it had on the team dynamic. Encourage team members to continue to practice vulnerability in their interactions with each other and with colleagues outside the team. It's important to note that, this exercise should be done in a safe and secure environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their vulnerability and respecting each other's vulnerability. This exercise can be done periodically to maintain the culture of vulnerability and trust in the team. If you would like us to facilitate this exercise and maybe even other teambuilding exercises get in touch with us and book a 15 minute exploratory call.

  • When adversity is at your door

    Have you ever had a client agree to a deal, only to have the scope of the investment change significantly by the time the deal was supposed to close? When you and the client get in touch again because now it’s time to make the deal happen the client tells you: ”Well actually this is no longer the scope of investment that we are thinking of, actually it’s only a third of the original size.” When you hear this from the client you try to hide your surprise because you were already counting on that deal since you had shaken hands on it. You had already planned in your mind how this would benefit your team, how it would benefit the company. How this would give you the resources to serve your current clients even better. Being the good sales and business executive you are, you rapidly see the positive in this new situation: the deal is not off, at least you have a third coming in. You agree to get in touch in a couple of days again and fine tune the details. A few days later as you are expecting to fine tune, the client tells you that he needs to check internally a couple of things before you can move ahead and suggests you talk again in a couple of days. So in a couple of days you get in touch with your client again, only to hear that the deal will not even be of 1/3 of the original size. Talking internally the client realized that the deal might actually not even be on at all. At this point your jaw drops down… It can be frustrating and disheartening, especially when you’ve already planned for the resources the deal was supposed to bring in… the investments that as a managing executive you need to make for your employees, for the development of the company and for the best for your clients. At Brighter Leaders we understand the challenges of managing emotions in the business world and know how to turn setbacks into opportunities. How to see the positive in every situation and how to learn from everything that happens, and see there are no failures. Failures are there to tell us that we need to take another road. Just like the executive in this story, if you're experiencing trouble managing your emotions or reaching your goals, let Brighter Leaders help you turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs We offer a 15-minute exploratory call to provide you with concrete strategies for managing your emotions and reaching your goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity – book your slot today before they're all taken. We look forward to helping you succeed and being of service to you!

  • Let's talk about it next year!

    How many of you have heard similar phrases during the last weeks of 2022... I've so much to do before Christmas, let's talk about it next year... I'm sorry but I don't have the time right now, let's pick it up again after the new year... My apologies for not getting back to you, why don't we try again next year... I will need to re-schedule, how about next year... Procrastination may show up in different forms but the truth is procrastination affects yourself more than anyone else. There are different reasons to pushing things forward but they can be grouped in the following categories: Lacking the knowledge of how to do it Lacking the understanding of how it will affect you if you don't take action Lacking the skills, you know how to do it but you're not good at it A pattern that you have reinforced during the years and has become a habit Let us share with you this short but powerful exercise. Start by thinking when it was the most recent time you procrastinated. Then reflect on which of the above categories you believe the reason to your procrastination to be. Creating awareness is the first step in any change. Think of an intention: are you ok with your procrastination, what effects is it having in your life, or are you finally ready to change this and leave procrastination behind once and for all? Whatever your reason, we have the knowledge, skils, tools and experience to help you. Get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to finally get you out of your procrastination mode and into a much happier, fulfilled and successful life. Book a 15 min discovery call here. We only have a few slots to offer. If the slots are gone but you are really committed into developing your leadership call us or send us an email and we'll see if it is possible to free an extra slot for you!

  • Need a change?

    Are you getting to the end of the year with certain feelings of stress and overwhelm? Are your thoughts maybe something in line with: "Let's just get through these last days before Christmas" "It is hectic now, it will slow down soon" What if I told you, you can totally avoid any disenpowering feelings and thoughts? If you are curious about how you can increase flow, certainty and balance even at times of heavy workload, get in touch with us. We can provide you with a blueprint that has helped thousands of leaders: 3- simple steps with easy-to-use tools that will turn your overwhelm to calm, your stress to balance and increase your levels of energy and efficiency faster and easier without adding to your workload. Book a 15-min call that may be the start of a new journey that will change your life!

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