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Let's talk about it next year!

How many of you have heard similar phrases during the last weeks of 2022...

I've so much to do before Christmas, let's talk about it next year...

I'm sorry but I don't have the time right now, let's pick it up again after the new year...

My apologies for not getting back to you, why don't we try again next year...

I will need to re-schedule, how about next year...

Procrastination may show up in different forms but the truth is procrastination affects yourself more than anyone else. There are different reasons to pushing things forward but they can be grouped in the following categories:

  • Lacking the knowledge of how to do it

  • Lacking the understanding of how it will affect you if you don't take action

  • Lacking the skills, you know how to do it but you're not good at it

  • A pattern that you have reinforced during the years and has become a habit

Let us share with you this short but powerful exercise. Start by thinking when it was the most recent time you procrastinated. Then reflect on which of the above categories you believe the reason to your procrastination to be. Creating awareness is the first step in any change. Think of an intention: are you ok with your procrastination, what effects is it having in your life, or are you finally ready to change this and leave procrastination behind once and for all?

Whatever your reason, we have the knowledge, skils, tools and experience to help you. Get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to finally get you out of your procrastination mode and into a much happier, fulfilled and successful life. Book a 15 min discovery call here. We only have a few slots to offer. If the slots are gone but you are really committed into developing your leadership call us or send us an email and we'll see if it is possible to free an extra slot for you!

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