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  • Start 2022 with purpose

    We start a new year and with it new possibilities open up for us. Let me share a strong belief: every second opens up new possibilities. So whatever has hold you back in the past ask yourself: when would it be a good time to release it. If not NOW, when? Many companies and many people see the start of a new year as a clean slate. It is I agree a kind of mental division. The past vs the future. I really hope you have great hopes, goals and dreams you have set up yourself to achieve this year. If not, please get in touch with someone that can act as a sounding board so that you have a propelling vision to give you purpose and some direction. Should you not have anyone in your environment with the right skills to do so I offer you 15 free minutes of my time to help you. You may book this opportunity here: I'm going to share something with you, not to brag but rather to inspire you and empower you. (If I could you can too). During 2020 I increased my sales with 20%. During 2021 I increased them further 30%. For 2022 I have very ambitious goals. Some of the key questions I ask myself everyday are: Lizzie ... Is it in line with your Big Why? is it of financial impact? what must you release? are you interested or are you committed? Book some reflection time with yourself and come up with powerful questions that will help you achieve the success you know you deserve. Should you wish my help I offer you 15 free minutes of my time to help you that you can book here: Why? Because my passion and big why is to help as many leaders as possible to be at their fullest potential

  • Best wishes to all the Brighter Leaders

    Once again we arrive at the end of a year and look back to summarize and reflect. I hope this year has also brought you a countless number of things that you can be grateful for. I would like to encourage you to put on your explorer's glasses and look at both good and not so good that you have experienced. An explorer is curios about what successes and failures teach him/ her. The explorer's glasses will help you see the valuable feedback that is "hiding" behind the situations you've been through. This feedback is "hidden" for the untrained eye, the more you train yourself to see every situation as a feedback loop the more you'll learn about yourself and others. This will also give you the possibility to grow on a personal and professional level and better manage your emotions. I am very grateful for this past year: for all the growth and abundance that I have experienced in my business and on a professional and personal level. I would like to give special and warm thanks to all of my amazing customers, to my business partners, to my providers, to my followers and supporters on social media, to everyone I have met online and IRL at different networking activities. Brighter Leaders is giving away Christmas presents››› to anyone who wishes to grow and develop, who wishes to move from the current situation towards a new situation that you envision. On a personal level I'm committed to shower kindness and love to the people around me. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and hopes of an amazing 2022!

  • What I can do for you!

    Let me introduce myself and my work, share insights and thoughts from having worked as an executive coach with leaders from internationally known brands for more than 20 years. Welcome to a journey that will change your life! You can book an exploratory meeting (executive coaching) here:

  • 5 things you need to release

    Do you recognize yourself in any of the situations below? Making plans that are not implemented Setting goals that are not achieved Focusing on the many trivial instead of the few vital Struggling with priorities and time management Tired of the status quo Getting into any of the above situations is not uncommon as a leader. The first step is to become aware of the situation you are in that you would like to change. You may not know at present how to change your situation. It's ok. How the change will happen is not what you need to focus on. Your focus now needs to be on why the change should happen. The fact that you are aware is already a first step and the most important one. Ask yourself these questions: How do I want it to be instead? Why do I want the change? What do I gain by changing my situation? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to change my situation? There are two more important steps in order to take action. and make the change happen. There is a proven process that has worked for thousands of leaders. If you want to know more about the other two steps in the process, you can contact Brighter Leaders for more information: Welcome to a future of opportunities!

  • Stop focusing on the outcome

    Many leaders have way too much focus on the outcome. Wouldn't you agree that the outcome is primarily a consequence of the input? The way you nurture your leadership, your skills, knowledge and mindset as a leader is what will give you the wished results. I'm inviting you to a 30 minutes inspirational Leadership e-coffee on Linkedin that will give you new knowledge, help you identify skills you wish to upgrade and think about the mindset you have and if it is taking you where you envision. I'm not only offering you inspiration. After the Leadership e-coffee where you will have the chance to meet other great leaders, you will feel so empowered to take action that you'll surprise yourself with all the positive energy moving you forward towards your business and personal goals. Take action by registering to a life changing experience!

  • Productivity = work on the right things! 3 simple steps

    The biggest risk to productivity is always the same: working on the wrong things. You probably know when you’re focusing on the three main things that will help you achieve your goals and when you’re not. Here are a couple of things you might want to reflect upon: Step 1: exercise some control over how and what you think. This is about being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. What behavior does my work space encourage? How can you set things up to make your good habits easier? Step 2: create good habits. The repetition of good micro-habits will in the long term take you where you envision to be. On the other hand the repetition of bad micro-habits will assure you get stuck. Identify three bad habits you wish to release. Replace them with three good habits you wish to acquire. Step 3: get help. Doing this on your own will take much more time and energy than necessary. Get someone in your work environment that can act as an accountability partner. Don’t have the right person to support you? Get in touch with Brighter Leaders and book a 20 min free session to get you started. What can you lose? If you keep doing things the way you always have, you’ll get the results you always gotten. Take action and take it now. Procrastination is a result of fear. Overcome any fears you may have and start increasing your productivity and satisfaction in life easier and faster than you ever have. Brighter Leaders' mission is to strengthen your leadership and skills, so you consistently take inspired action to achieve your goals and dreams. Click here

  • How to go from possibility to predictability

    Would you agree that we are all born with lots of possibilities? We can potentially do great things, achieve great goals, live an extremely happy life. All of this is possible but the possibility alone is not what will make this come true. It is possible for you to achieve 100% of your goals. But having the knowledge that it is possible is not enough. Wouldn't it be great to know for certain that you will achieve 100% of your targeted goals and start to predict when they will become true instead of hoping they'll become true? What is it that separates successful from unsuccessful leaders? I would like to say it's three things: mindset, skills & knowledge and action. if you, when reflecting upon your leadership realize you need to improve your feedback skills, a small first step could be to find out where you can learn more about feedback techniques, then you might step upon the newest within feedback which is feed forward. Does it make sense that if you don’t change anything in your leadership, you don’t upgrade your mindset, you don’t upgrade your skills and knowledge or you don’t take action you’ll be stuck. You’ll be doing things exactly the same way you always have. What would be the effect in your leadership affecting your life both at work and privately if you could make your imagination work for you instead of against you. Think about a child, a little child, who is afraid of the dark. What’s happening in this child’s mind? He thinks in his imagination so strongly that there’s a ghost, or a monster, or some horrible Jack the Ripper waiting to strike in the darkness outside the door of his room, or inside his wardrobe, or even under the bed. So much so that for this child this belief becomes a reality in his mind. Now think about yourself, what kind of imagination is leading you, is limiting you by telling you: no, you’ll never reach those goals, you’ll never be able to do that, no that’s not for you. Or even telling you NO THAT’S NOT YOU! Telling you regularly what you can not do. At the same time do you see the opportunity in this? What would happen if your imagination was on the other hand telling you: oh! You’ll definitely achieve those goals! Yes! That’s for you! Empowering beliefs will take you forward towards your visions and goals, while disempowering beliefs will keep you stuck. Wish to move forward to make your the vision of your future become reality? Take a first step by getting in touch with Brighter Leaders. The future is already here, stop procrastinating!

  • What happens if you don't level up your leadership?

    What is left of good leadership habits, for instance booking time in your calendar for reflection, having insights like knowing when you need to give feedback to someone, but not doing it. Or learning a new leadership skill but not using it, or having a positive mindset focusing on solutions rather than problems, but not seeing it through. It’s necessary to have the right mindset, its super important to scale up your leadership’s skills and knowledge, but if you don’t put these into action, how good is that? You need the 3 pilars: you need mindset, you need skills and knowledge, and you need action. Take a few minutes to reflect on your own leadership. Which of these pillars do you feel you would need to focus on to take your leadership to the next level. You might be ambitious, or eager to start working straight away with your leadership, you might decide that you wish to work with all 3 pillars. This is good, in this case you need a clear plan. If you don’t have a clear plan, schedule time to sit down and think about this. If you need help, get help. It could be possible that you haven’t thought about this in this way before and that you need to reflect upon it. Schedule time to do so and make sure you define a plan, that you have a clear vision of why you wish to develop your leadership. Why is always the starting point, not how. When you have a clear why the how’s will come to you. When you have the why and the how make sure you go all the way to the what’s. What can I do today, what step do I need to take today, however small it might seem, that will keep you in the path that takes you to the leadership you envision. If you in your leadership do things as you always done, you’ll get the outcome you always gotten. Wish a change in your leadership? Wish an upscaling? Take action by getting in touch with Brighter Leaders . What can you lose if you don’t take action? You’ll waste precious time, you’ll procrastinate your own development and personal growth and that of your company. This is what you’ll get by taking action: a new perspective on leadership, an upscaling, more energy and motivation, getting things done faster. Ready to take action? Brighter Leaders is here for you!

  • You're more than smart enough, you're more than deserving enough to achieve each one of your goals

    What do you think and feel when you read this: You're more than smart enough, you're more than deserving enough to achieve each one of your goals. Do you believe it? Do you believe it to be true every day in every situation? Neuro-science is constantly learning more about how our brain works. The amygdala, more commonly known as reptile brain, has a specific function: keeping us safe. Everything that gives us a sense of discomfort is interpreted by the amygdala as a danger. When this happens the amygdala takes over other functions of the brain, for instance the frontal cortex which thinks rationally. Our brain in other words gets hijacked. It's those moments when you act or answer "without thinking". The good news is that there's a way to prevent this from happening. One way is training your brain to positive thoughts and feelings and working on being conscious of what's holding you back from achieving your goals at work and in life. Here's an exercise you can start practicing straight away: sit down undisturbed, reflect and identify any person, situation or feeling that are blocking you from being who you really are or wish to be. Focus deliberately and be conscious. Then let go of that person or those persons, situations and feelings. Focus instead in the people, situations and feelings that help you be who you really are or wish to be, who help you achieve your goals. Stop focusing on what you can't do and start focusing on what you actually can do. Then stick to the plan, just do it, don't hesitate and don't look back. You can evaluate how it went, you can evaluate your contribution, you can evaluate if there's anything you can do differently next time. Don't spent time and energy evaluating what went wrong,. This is equivalent of staying in the past. Evaluate instead what can be improved. Brighter Leaders provides tools and expertise to its customers so that you can achieve your goals and dreams. Do you wish to be part of the tribe of leaders that excel themselves and live a more fulfilled and balanced life? Get in touch with Lizzie Claesson: Don't procrastinate, do it now!

  • Unleash your full potential

    In this episode of The IWIB Female Factor Podcast guested by Lizzie Claesson, Lizzie shares her professional journey to leadership. Today she is a Business & Leadership Developer and Certified Executive Coach, founder of Brighter Leaders, which offers services in English, Spanish and Swedish, and helps you as a manager and leader with tools you need to change mindsets and create the necessary space for important, positive changes in your life and your business. You can listen to this and other episodes at If you wish to know how to explore your undiscovered potential, contact Lizzie:

  • How to increase your emotional intelligence

    EQ could be described as how smart you are in your relationships with people. Emotions have information. The better you are att reading this information the better your EQ will be. A low EQ will give you poor decisions, problems in communication, conflicts and unsatisfying human relationships. Every decision affecting e.g. customers, strategy, employees is affected by your emotional intelligence, therefor the importance on working on increasing your emotional intelligence. Be clear on the expectations you have on yourself, on your team, your organisation. Make sure that the organisation’s and your team’s expectations on you are also clear. At the core of emotional intelligence is knowing yourself, everything else derives from this. Time for reflection is one of the most important leadership attributes and a valuable tool as a leader, as well as motivation to learn and grow, which you probably already have since you’re reading this! How your are perceived by others is also important, which is not about making others happy. It is this perception that you mold in your communication, the words you use, your body language, what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, what you’re not saying. In reflecting upon how you’re being perceived by others and how you’re communicating you might learn more about yourself. Emotional intelligence is not only about identifying the emotions you’re having but also giving yourself the time and space to actually feel these emotions. It’s not enough to say ”I feel disappointed”, it’s important to let yourself feel the disappointment In your whole body. We live very busy lives, many times we don’t have the time and space to feel and live our emotions. This brings us further away from our own emotions and from understanding others’ emotions. Giving yourself time to live your emotions is a way of increasing your emotional intelligence. There are different ways to do it: some people like to practice mindfulness, others like to go out in the nature, others rather do physical exercise. How you do is not important but that you do it. This is something that busy leaders tend to forget. We all struggle with self-control at times. Another cornerstone of emotional intelligence is self-control. There are certain situations when it will be handy to manage self-control, for instance situations of stress. You can also practice self-control in everyday life. You may do this by creating a mental window (a pause) between stimuli and your response, so that you don’t react to what others do/ don’t do or say/ don’t say, but instead take a proactive posture by not acting directly. The chances are that you will rather regret acting upon something hastily than having waited and pondered. A strategy to improve your self-control is learning to know what your triggers are, understanding them and keeping an eye on them. When you know your triggers you won’t get surprised by them. Not knowing your triggers on the other hand will lead to impoverished decision making. Knowing what your triggers are and learning to manage them is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. Improving the EQ in the organisation helps your employees bring forward the best in themselves to work. Consider offering your employees workshops, group coaching sessions or why not individual coaching sessions. A sign of leaders with high EQ is that they invest in themselves, becoming more resilient and adaptive. Book a meeting with Brighter Leaders to start your development.

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