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The powerful question

It's about your inner leadership - achieving better self-insight, deepening what you know about yourself, understanding your behaviors and reactions to people and situations, to land in this stable, safe place where you feel at your best.

When you succeed in being at this midpoint where your innate strengths are right at the top without having too much of them so that they tip over and become a burden, stop and give yourself time to take in all the impressions.

This creates a strong memory in the brain so that the brain finds it easier to find its way back there and you make conscious, part of the unconscious processes, so that you can find your way to the your midpoint faster.

Set aside 10-15 minutes when you can be undisturbed. Start by closing your eyes and finding your presence. Stabilize your breathing. Then write down (preferably on paper) all the dreams you have, everything you would like to achieve, everything you wish you had.

Once you have done this, read through what you have written aloud for yourself and ask yourself "why would this make me happy?"

For an in-depth process and for help finding your midpoint, where you are at the top without effort, you will need an external sounding board that can listen to you on a deeper level, hear what you are not saying and what you mean by what you are saying. and be able to ask the right questions to help you achieve better self-awareness, deepen what you know about yourself, understand your behaviors and reactions to people and situations, to land in this stable, safe place where you feel at your best.

Are you ready to try coaching? Get in touch here.



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